In this extraordinary new social experiment, a group of people all living with dementia, spanning different ages and at various stages of the disease, are tasked with helping run a restaurant led by a successful chef.
Dementia is the Europe’s biggest killer and around the world someone is diagnosed every three minutes. It’s a disease that doesn’t just affect older people and it doesn’t only impact on memory. Dementia can rob you of your speech, your mobility, your eyesight and if you are of working age it can cost you your job, and sometimes the roof over your head. This major new format sets out to change perceptions about the disease and demonstrate that a diagnosis doesn’t have to mean the end of a career.
Over a five-week period, and with a dementia expert on hand to advise, the group take on all the roles of a busy restaurant – including cooking, taking orders, serving and making drinks. Celebrity diners and members of the public visit the restaurant to put the newly trained staff to the test.
Poignant, informative and uplifting, the format challenges perceptions about dementia, and reveals the impact work has on a person’s sense of identity and purpose.